Pg Practice Walla writeup
Connecting to port 8091 asks credentials for "RaspAP". Which is Debian based software for wireless routers.
Looking up the default credentials we can log in with admin:secret
Checking the settings we are running version 2.5. PoC exist here:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lb0x/cve-2020-24572/master/raspap_pwn.py. However I was unable to get code execution from this.
Looking at the exploit code we can see it is trying to interact with webconsole.php
We can manually browse to this at:
This along with telnet running on the target machine we can obtain a proper reverse shell:
Running linpeas.sh on the target reveals the following interesting information:
As www-data we can delete the file /home/walter/wifi_reset.py and replace it with a python reverse shell of the same name:
Then execute with sudo
as root:
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